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My Big Adventure

Well I had fun this morning.
I stupidly left my purse round Jenny and Jessica's house on Saturday night after our preview viewing of Sweeney Todd and pizza at theirs, so I arranged with Jenny to go and collect it today so I could go shopping for stuff. Unfortunately, I've only been to their house once and in the dark following them, so when I tried to head out this morning in the grey and pouring rain, I found myself getting more and more lost.

I kid you not, that is the actual route I took. And the most frustrating thing? If I'd just continued down Argie Avenue a little further the first time, I would have made it there quite quickly and with relatively dry feet. But no, after several fruitless walks round (literally) in circles, I gave up, stood on a street corner and tried to phone someone who could help me.
First off, I tried Elena. She nearly always has a map to hand, and was therefore a relatively safe and considered option. Didn't answer her phone.
Then I thought I'd try Jenny, since she should know where her house is. No answer.
Finally, and with a flash of brilliance, I remembered that some people have things called COMPUTERS on which they have the INTERNET and with which they can find MAPS. Everything crossed, I phoned Isa, who promptly told me I just needed to walk a few more feet forward and the street I needed would be on the right. I felt so, so intelligent.

Anyway, after being reunited with my purse, I headed off into the city to do my scouting for cheap telephones (since the ones we currently have are Isa's and are therefore going back to Spain with her). Unfortunately, I didn't find any that didn't cost a small fortune, but I did find this:

THIS is the dress I've had my eye on at work since I started back in December, and I watched it be reduced from £160 to £95. Now, being the skint student I am, I knew there was no chance I'd ever afford it, so I forgot about it. Cut to moving back up here, and I spot it, reduced to 50% in the Leeds Monsoon. Still too much, I leave it in the shop after trying it on and falling in love with it, hoping it'll be reduced again. Today, I went back, daring to hope it might still be there, and to my complete surprise, on the end of a 75% rail hung a size 18... and a size 12. I could have wept. Needless to say, it's hanging in my wardrobe - a steal at £40 :D

Probably a little TOO pleased with myself, I headed home... to find the new Module Handbook online. To my horror, I found this description of my POP4 choice:

"Taught workshops for the Performance Actions and Interventions option in this semester led by Fiona Mathers will explore performance / actions as a means of re-interpreting place, using sound in particular. Students will be required to research the background and use of a chosen place before embarking on their own devised responses to a creative brief that will specify a selection of appropriate methods and techniques for further independent, practical exploration in collaborating groups.
Assignment brief: Devise, develop and present a performance piece exploring the re-interpretation of place using the creative use in particular of vocal sound, and, to some extent, recording. (The presentation will not be in the original source space)."

Interpreting space using sound??? Eugh.
Then I looked at the description of the sessions with the other Actions and Interventions class...

"Taught workshops for the Performance Actions and Interventions option in this semester led by Jon Brazil will explore performance / actions as a means of intervening in particular situations. Students will be required to research at least two key practitioners before embarking on their own devised responses to a creative brief that will specify a selection of appropriate methods and techniques for further independent, practical exploration in collaborating groups.
Assignment brief: Devise, develop and present a performance piece exploring autobiography, and more specifically student experience, and including a ceremonial/ ritual dimension. The piece should involve an engagement with notions of identity and include the use of organised sound."

Now THAT sounds like what I signed up for!
So, I sent off an email to George asking to switch groups.
Now I wait, everything crossed.
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At 7:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for the Dress, but boo to the module. Hopefully you'll be able to change it    

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